Davidoff Cigarettes – long-developed present for real smokers
Davidoff Cigarettes are the exceptional tobacco product, which was initially manufactured by the world-known company Davidoff, producing a wide range of smoking product varieties. Nowadays, this brand belongs to the Imperial Tobacco Company. Because of some lawful prescriptions, this brand is not marketed in the USA, but it can be freely ordered via Internet as it is sold by multiple online cigarette shops. Davidoff cigarettes are preferred by everyone and are successfully promoted in over 100 countries. This brand is especially popular in Greece, Middle-East region countries, Taiwan.
These are prominent traditional cigarettes with a long history, which could win sympathies of consumers from different countries exclusively owing to their exceptional quality. Although this brand already has another owner since 2006, the owner’s change did not provoke any changes in the cigarettes’ quality, aroma and scent. They are still ranked as a top-value brand although it belongs to another company now. The Davidoff cigarettes have a lot of sub-brands, which are distinguished by power, flavor and scent. Well-known trademarks of this brand are David Slim One 100’s, Davidoff One, Davidoff Slim Blue, etc. But there is one thing that unites them all, they are manufactured from high-value tobacco stuff and possess the flavor and aroma, which shall be estimated by each true tobacco lover.
The honor to launch the Davidoff cigarettes to the market was deserved by Zino Davidoff, son of the Ukranian migrant family that found an escape in Switzerland. The family was involved into the smoking products business still in Ukraine and Zino had great opportunities to be aware of the tobacco market, still being a child. The matter was the tobacco business atmosphere, which was native to Zino from the early childhood. Zino managed to deepen his knowledge after having spent some years in the South-American continent where he collected the experience needed to improve the father’s market position. After he came back to Switzerland and became the head of the parent’s company, he managed to expend its activities and make it to the market giant that we know nowadays. As Switzerland did not participate in either of both world wars, its industrial potentials did not suffer at all and it could further promote its products. Because of it, the tobacco products of Switzerland could remain attractive for millions of smokers in various countries of the world. Zino used it as a possibility to improve and promote his company’s activities.
All these efforts allowed creating Davidoff cigarettes that anyone can enjoy. Just try them and you will have the pleasure that you will not forget! Just make an attempt and you will be convinced yourselves forever!