Terminology What do the numbers mean? The numbers like “100’s” and “120’s” refer to the length of the tobacco rod in millimeters.

What is the difference between menthol and… whatever they call non menthol cigarettes? The other kind of cigarettes are called ‘non menthol’ or regular. The difference is menthol cigarettes have a major non tobacco additive that make them minty tasting. Very few people enjoy switching from one type to the other… but I do.

Menthol, and Regular… is there anything else? You bet there is! The next major ‘flavor’ is Clove. You know cloves… the spice they put on hams well, turns out they can be mixed with tobacco too! Some brands are extremely strong. Djarium Black is not something one should smoke while driving… or walking. Find a nice place to sit down first. Seriously, you’ll thank me.

Menthol, Regular, and Clove… I got it. Wait there are tons more! Most are self explanatory cherry, chocolate, orange mint, mango, et al. One good one worth explaining is Perique. The only brand I know that uses this is American Spirit. It has a quite different taste that I describe as “vaguely cucumber y… in a good way”.

Does filter/non filter make a difference? Oh MY Yes! Non filter cigarettes come in short stubby packs, and don’t have a filter end. You can light either end I choose the end that looks most cohesive to stick in my mouth. Non filter cigarettes are a completely different smoking experience. They are very easy to inhale from (no resistance from a filter). It is almost as easy as breathing through a straw. The amount of actual smoke you get is much higher (none is absorbed by the filter). If you are just starting DO NOT start on non filter cigarettes. Try one after you get a few packs down. Non filters have tar and nicotine levels 30 45% higher than their filter counterparts.

What about Lights, Mediums, Ultra Lights, and all that? I’m not sure exactly how lower tar and nicotine levels are produced, but I suspect it has to do with the filter. Lights typically have 50 70% the level of nicoine, Ultras have about 30%.

Why would I want Lights? Aren’t I just getting less smokey goodness? Some people find “full flavored” to be too harsh. Other people think they are doing something ‘good’ for themselves. Most of the time people will just smoke more Lights, or inhale deeper to get the nicotine levels they want. Buying lights is like getting a Big Mac with a Diet Coke. If you like the taste of Diet Coke Good for you! But the meal is still fattening.

Brand Reviews By Me Discontinued Camel Rare Menthol and regular versions are available. This is easily the best cigarette produced… if you can find it. Rare is to cigarettes what Stradivarius is to cellos. These make everything else look bad. If you can get a pack get a pack. They come in a metal tin, and are noticably more expensive than ‘common’ cigarettes.

FOUR STAR Camel Menthol A semi new cigarette with a nice punch. A bit harsher than Newport, but with a better smoke rush. You feel these. Parliament It has a recessed filter! Why? I don’t know… so your tongue never touches the cotton filter? So it just has less filter? Cheaper to produce? I just don’t know. These are quite good and I like the form factor of the recessed filter. THREE STAR American Spirit Regular and menthol, full flavor and light, this is a solid brand of smokes. Recommended for anyone.

Kamel Red/Kamel Red Light This is a good and readily available line. Nothing spectacular, but not bad in the least.

Djarium Black These are amazing. Why? Because they’re legal. If you’re not used to smoking I suggest you get a pack just to try them out. You may get dizzy, so look out. These are very tightly packed and can burn for 20 minutes. I’ve never seen anyone smoke one of these in under 15 minutes and not get ill.

Best selling cigarette brand in each country

Discount cigarettes in sachse, tx – reviews and directions
AlbaniaL & MAlgeriaRymAndorraMarlboroArgentinaMarlboroAustraliaWinfieldAustriaMarlboroAzerbaijanWestBahrainMarlboroBangladeshBAT BangladeshBarbadosEmbassyBelarusNeman brandsBelgiumMarlboroBoliviaCasinoBosnia and HerzegovinaDrinaBrazilDerbyBruneiMarlboroBulgariaVictoryBurmaLondon KSCambodiaAraCameroonDiplomat MentholCanadaDu MaurierChileBelmontChinaChunghwaColombiaBostonCongo, Democratic Republic of theTumbacoCosta RicaDeltaC te d’IvoireExcellenceCroatiaRonhillCubaPopularCyprusRothmans RoyalsCzech RepublicStartDenmarkPrinceDominican RepublicNacionalEcuadorLider SuaveEgyptCleopatraEl SalvadorDeltaEstoniaL & MEthiopiaNyalaFijiBenson & HedgesFinlandL & MFranceMarlboroGeorgiaViceroyGermanyMarlboroGhanaLondonGreeceMarlboroGuatemalaRubiosGuyanaBristolHondurasBelmontHong KongMarlboroHungarySoplanaeIcelandWinstonIndiaWills Gold FlakeIndonesiaMarlboroIran57IrelandBenson & HedgesIsraelMarlboroItalyMarlboroJamaicaCraven AJapanMild SevenJordanViceroyKazakhstanSovereignKenyaSportsmanKorea, SouthEsseKuwaitMarlboroLaosRdaengLatviaMarlboroLebanonMarlboroLithuaniaL & MLuxembourgMarlboroMacedoniaRodeoMalaysiaDunhillMaltaRothmansMauritiusState Express 555MexicoMarlboroMoldovaTempMontenegroClassicMoroccoMarquiseNepalKhukuriNetherlandsMarlboroNew ZealandHolidayNicaraguaBelmontNigeriaBenson & HedgesNorwayPrinceOmanMarlboroPakistanMorven GoldPanamaMarlboroParaguayKentuckyPeruHamiltonPhilippinesMarlboroPolandL & MPortugalSGQatarMarlboroRomaniaL & MRussiaWinstonSaudi ArabiaMarlboroSenegalExcellenceSierra LeoneState Express 555SingaporeMarlboroSlovakiaGolden GateSloveniaBossSouth AfricaPeter StuyvesantSpainMarlboroSri LankaGold LeafSudanBringiSwedenMarlboroSwitzerlandMarlboroSyriaAl SherekTanzaniaSweet MentholThailandKrong ThipTrinidad and TobagoDu MaurierTunisia20 MarsTurkeySamsunUkrainePrilucky OsoblyviUnited Arab EmiratesMarlboroUnited KingdomLambert & ButlerUnited StatesMarlboroUruguayNevadaVenezuelaBelmontVietnamVinatabaYemenKamaranZambiaConsulateZimbabweMadisonNo Results